Week 6 Update

Hey guys, sorry it took so long to update the website. The season stats are updated over on the left. Many of the stats I added were approximate because I wasn't there for yellow (though marty told me what happened) and I can't remember everything from brown. I should be close enough though. Also, Joe is on track for 50 touchdowns this year. Nice. Tom Brady better watch his back (record 51 TDs a few years back).

We had a good confidence booster against Red this week. Offense was tremendous, breaking play after play (Me, Marty, Mark, and Joe all scored and both Joe and I had at least one passing TD) on top of two picks and a great showing from the defense.

I don't want to give too much away on a public website when it comes to injuries, but lets just say my Dad is "doubtful" this week against Grey (he won't be there) and questionable the week after that. We'll see.

Nevertheless, let's enjoy the win and keep the momentum going against Blitz next week guys. We still haven't beat them since I joined the team two years ago!


Team Chatter

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46-16 Win Vs the Flash!

Good job guys! We had a solid 46-16 win against the Flash. The offense tried some more short passes and had success, and the defense was stellar, causing six turnovers. Here are some highlights:


Joe Nocchi:

Joe had a big game, passing for six TDs and no picks. Additionally, he played D all game and batted the ball up into the air and caught an interception! Good game Joe.

The D in General:

The defense had a fantastic game, causing six interceptions. Joe Keegan had two, Joe N. had one, Marty had one, I (Brandon) had one, and Mark had one. Plus, the D let up only 14 points. Nice game!


Overall, solid game guys. Now let's gear up for the excellent Red team next week early at 8am!


League Standings Updated + Photogallery!

I've updated the league standings through Week 3. We fell from first to third, but we still have the best offense by far, and our defense is no slouch. Another interesting tidbit, none of the other games were close last week except ours. Raptors won by default, the Bears destroyed Green, and Blitzkrieg blew out the Flash.

In addition, thanks to the excellent photography of Marty's sister Jenny at last Saturday's game, we now have a full-fledge photogallery of the team, on the left. I also updated everyone's picture (except Justin) in "The 2012 Warriors" on the left.


Loss vs Opus Dei

Hey guys,

That was a tough loss, 57-56. We were in the game the whole time, but just couldn't capitalize off of mistakes by Opus Dei. In the end, they are the defending league champions, and they are a tough team overall. We'll get back at them in the playoffs!

Here are some highlights from today's game:


Caught three or four scores, his third game in a row with three or more TDs.

Kyle, Joe, Mark, & Chris:

Although the score may not indicate it, the defense played hard all game, keeping us in it. Joe had an interception, and Kyle forced a fumble.


Andrew showed off his speed and physicality in this game. He broke a long score early, breezing past two guys. Additionally, he blocked well for Joe once or twice.


Although it came with two picks, Joe had another stellar game with 8 (count 'em, 8!) passing touchdowns. Ridiculous.

That's all for today guys; it was  tough loss, but we'll regroup be back next Saturday.


NEW Page - League Standings

If you look on the left, you'll see a new link called "League Standings." Thanks to Jeremy, I will now be able to update the current standings of the FVFFL including record, points scored, and points allowed.

A few notes on the team, we are ranked #1! We have the highest points scored and the second lowest points allowed. Watch out for Blitzkrieg though - they have the lowest points allowed. 

The league average for points scored is about 40. We're at 61, so we're currently scoring 21 points per game higher than the average. Additionally, we only allow 25 points per game on average, which is 15 below the league average. So both offense and defense have been clicking.

Looking at our next opponent, Opus Dei, they have been scoring a lot of points per game. However, they are only an average defense so far. So we may be able to air it out against them.

Either way, see ya this Saturday!



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Team Schedule

2013 FVFFL Team schedule.xls (29696)

Fox Valley Flag Football League Rulebook

FVFFL_Rules_of_Play_2012.doc (85 kB)